R.S.P.B. Skua & Shearwater Cruise

Its been a few years since I went out of Bridlington on board the Yorkshire belle on one of the R.S.P.B.’s Skua and Shearwater cruises.

I must admit I wasn’t expecting it to be spectacular as the winds werent really right and there wasnt much reported from the seawatchers at flamborough the day before.

Anyhow I was on the quayside bright and early and a few birds were about, turnstone and redshank in the harbour, kittiwake on the pier ledge and the odd sandwich tern calling.

9.30 arrived and we set sail. It wasnt long before the first bird was shouted out-a rather unexpected peregirne falcon given we were half a mile out, but vey nice all the same.

Next up was a red-throated diver and a couple of shags then the first decent bird of the trip-a manx shearwater heading south.

Next was an arctic skua mobbing small gulls and terns which was quite spectacular.

The volunteers started ‘chumming’-throwing a combination of pieces. for fish and bread over the side to attract common gulls in the hope of them in turn attracting something more interesting.

There was a nice mix of gullemots, razorbills and a few puffins and it wasnt long before we were joined by some groups of gannets. Another arctic skua and more terns and small gulls including some adult and juvenile little gulls.

The next good bird was a great skua or bonxie as they are commonly known. This one did a few circuits around the boat then settled on the sea giving some nice views.

It wenet quiet after a while and we were left with the group of large gulls following the chum line, these included at least 3 caspian gulls as well as a mediterranean gull and a yellow-legged gull.

All too quicky it was time to head back to the harbour.

A thoroughly enjoyable morning and well worth the trip.

Thanks to the crew of the Yorkshire Belle and all of the R.S.P.B volunteers in doing a sterling job of looking out for the birds then providing a detailled commentary so that everyone could get on the birds.

I’m already looking forward to my next trip.

Manx Shearwater

Fulmar and dead seal

Common Tern

Great Black-Backed Gull

Arctic Skua

Arctic Skua

Arctic Skua

Arctic Skua

Arctic Skua

Arctic Skua

Arctic Skua

Large Gulls

Great Black-Backed Gulls

Caspian Gull

Great Skua (top centre)

Great Skua


Great Skua

Great Skua

Great Skua

Great Skua

Great Skua

Great Skua

Great Skua

Arctic Skua and common tern

Arctic Skua and common tern

Arctic Skua and common tern

Caspian Gull


Caspian gull