Spurn-A Quick Visit

I had the briefest of stopovers at Spurn this weekend.

I arrived on Friday evening and the first thing that struck me was the amount of hirundines (swallows and martins) flying around. Great numbers of mainly swallows were ducking and diving catching insects at mainly low level.

A barn owl was hunting in the last of the light directly in front of the caravan.

I put out the moth trap and it was obvious that there were pleanty around. The next morning it was full!That will be the subject of another blog post.

I had a wander along the beach at dawn. great to see all the terns congregating on the beach about a quarter of a mile in front of me. I didnt go any further to avoid unnecessary disturbance.

the highlight was a fly-through arctic skua as well as a few waders passing up and down the shoreline.

from a rarity perspective a cracking Pacific Golden Plover was found off the gate in the morning. It stayed very distant so no stunning photos.

Wader numbers building up nicely so looking good for the next few weeks.

Barn Owl


Sandwich tern with fish

Arctic Skua (with Little Tern)

Arctic Skua

Arctic Skua

Arctic Skua

Arctic Skua

Arctic Skua


Tern Flock Off Shore


Turnstone & Sanderling

Little Tern (with Juvenile)

Sandwich Tern

Tern Flock Off Shore


Pacific Golden Plover (Centre) with Golden Plover