Humber Safari

The birds of prey on the Humber have been very special just lately.

The Rough-Legged Buzzard that graced Stoney Creek has departed but gave scintillating views during its 2 week stay.

The spectacle has continued with Short-Eared Owls aplenty. Hen Harriers sometimes flying quite close and getting involved with the odd skirmish.

Other raptors to add to the list include Marsh Harriers, Common Buzzard, Merlin, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and Barn Owl.

Add to that the spectacle of hundreds of Pink Footed Geese, thousands of Golden Plover and the odd fleeting view of a Kingfisher, you have the makings of your very own safari right on our doorstep.

The Humber is magical at the moment.