I had my first ‘proper’ trip to Spurn this weekend-in fact we stayed over for 2 nights so managed to fit quite a bit in.
As often happens at this time of year migration gets halted by a cold blast of Northerly air and this weekend was no exception. A frost on Saturday morning and hail showers overnight into Sunday morning made it feel more like winter than Spring. Not to be deterred I was up early on Saturday and whilst it was chilly, it was nice and bright. A couple of snipe flushed off Sykes Field and a singing chiff-chaff was a nice start.
I made my way down to the breach and there was not much happening other than a few brent geese and waders moving around on the dropping tide.
canal scrape yielded a few teal, little grebe and a mute swan carefully constructing its robust nest of reeds.
The firs decent birds of the day were at Southfield Farm. First a stonechat then a black redstart. Eventually there were 4 ‘black reds’ which showed amazingly well alighting on posts near the road side giving some nice views.
I like black redstarts when they are in flight and especially if they are backlit, they can look quite cool. Unfortunately capturing a sharp shot is easier said than done and my meagre offerings below can only be described as a work in progress.
Not much else appeared until after tea when news of a ‘continental’ stonechat was viewable from Sykes field. It was distant in fading light but looked a very smart bird.
Unfortunately it didnt hang around and there was no sign on Sunday morning.
A ride up to Long Bank Marsh yielded a spoonbill and a couple of pintail and a quick look again at Southfield Farm held only 2 black redstarts but no sign of the continental stonechat.
Hopefull some southerly winds will encourage more migration in the next couple of weeks.
Black redstart
Black redstart
Black redstart
Black redstart
Black redstart
Black redstart
Black redstart
Black redstart
Black redstart
Black redstart
Black redstart
Black redstart
Black redstart
Black redstart
Black redstart
‘Continental’ stonechat
‘Continental’ stonechat
‘Continental’ stonechat