I went out for a few hours this morning at Spurn. I missed the early start so didnt get there while about seven a.m. First port of call was Canal Scrape. Through the fence I could see some waders sparkling in the early morning light. Doing my best not to flush them I crept into the hide and thankfully they stayed and allowed me to get some nice photos. 3 wood sandpipers, a green sandpiper, greenshank and redshank made for a nice variety.
The wood sands soon flew off but the green sand was joined by another 2 and later a dunlin.
A redstart was flicking about in the bushes on the other side of the canal and a whinchat was perched up on bushes along the canal bank.
A wander along the canal and around to the Crown and Anchor produced very little. The an couple of pied flycatchers in the Churchyard and one on the roadside livened things up a bit.
I walked round to Walker Butts and found a juvenile stonechat amongst the wildflower meadow.
Another pied fly near canal bushes rounded things up. I called in to Church Field in the hope of seeing a clouded yellow but this drew a blank.
A quick look at Sammy’s produced another 2 pied flycatchers. By now the sun was high in the sky and blazing so time to head for home.
A cracking little early morning session brightened up by what might be described as typical fare for the time of year but a very nice morning to be out nonetheless.