I set of this morning with some doubts about how the weather would fare, it was cloudy then very foggy on the way, but as I arrived at my destination in deepest Lincolnshire the sun began to poke its head from behind the clouds.
For the first couple of hours it was a bit of a struggle to see my intended quarry, however there was adequate compensation from the supporting cast of whitethroats, garden warblers and blackcaps.
Eventually there was a particularly confiding pair singing and nest building in a quite open area and it was here that I got my best photos.
I stayed for the best part of the day and the nightingales kept on singing and showing fairly well.
There was also a few orange tips and brimstones around plus a rather confiding bank vole feasting on rose bush shoots.
Also good company (nice to meet you Paul) made for a most pleasant day in a fantastic reserve packed full of wildlife with the nightingales being the undoubted stars of the show.
For the first couple of hours it was a bit of a struggle to see my intended quarry, however there was adequate compensation from the supporting cast of whitethroats, garden warblers and blackcaps.
Eventually there was a particularly confiding pair singing and nest building in a quite open area and it was here that I got my best photos.
I stayed for the best part of the day and the nightingales kept on singing and showing fairly well.
There was also a few orange tips and brimstones around plus a rather confiding bank vole feasting on rose bush shoots.
Also good company (nice to meet you Paul) made for a most pleasant day in a fantastic reserve packed full of wildlife with the nightingales being the undoubted stars of the show.
Nightingale in song |