Super Spurn!

Had a couple of half days at Spurn this weekend.
yesterday was a bit difficult in very strong westerly winds-but I still managed some shots of a marsh harrier as it flew south past canal scrape hide.
Went again this morning in slightly better conditions-clear blue skys and a moderating westerly wind.
Started off with some nice views of common waders as the tide began to ebb.
Then news of a quail calling in clubleys field.
As I was driving down Spurn Road a golden oriole was called outat sammy's Point-a quick dash there and I had quite close but brief views of a first summer male.
Then as we scanned round a bee-eater flew north past sammy's point.
Finally I went to have a look at a reported water pipit at beacon lagoons.
I headed there from the north at Easington and arrived at the second lagoon just as one of the Spurn regulars was heading north along the bank.
I figured that if it was there he would flush it towards me and I could get a shot.
As he arrived opposite me he called'tawny pipit' as it initially flew out of view., After a while it re-appeared and gave intermittent views as it walked in and out of the grasses.
Cracking morning.