I was at a loss as to where to go yesterday-do I travel afar for one of the reported rarities in South Yorks/Derbys or to I keep the faith with my local area.
Well I elected to stay local a quick visit to pat haven produced nothing out of the ordinary.
Common waders on the lagoon and a few common warblers and wagtails on the road down.
Then on to Spurn a golden oriole had been trapped earlier in the morning but again nothing spectacular.
I headed for the point and saw a very shy female redstart, I also had a look for the greeen hairstreak butterflies and was very fortunate to find just one.
Thalikg with Andy-the warden- there had been no green hairstreaks reported last yera or this so hopefully the population is clinging on.
Then on to the point itself, it looked pretty barren to start off but then I could see quite a large group of waders on the shoreline in the distance.
I walked to within about 100 yards and laid on the sand- before I knew it some of them had marched at lightening speed and were feeding within about 5m of me unfortunately they were so fast I couldn't get a shot.
So I moved to the waters edge and the same happened, there was however more food there so they weren't as mobile they were very confiding sometimes coming as close as a couple of metres away.
There wer also 4 little terns on the outer bank but they were quite a way off.
It was back to Pat haven after that and there wer still the common waders, about 60 brent geese, 2 little egrets, a cukoo and a barn owl.