Wood Sandpiper

I went to a couple of spots at the weekend, first was Patrington Haven with george (the dog)in very blustery conditions.
No waders but quite a few yellow wagtails, single sedge warbler and whitethroat also 3 distant marsh harriers and a couple of little egrets was about the best of it.
I thought I would go to North Cave after tea and after a sharp shower the sun came out and the wind eased making for a nice evening, albeit a bit chilly.
Common sandpiper and a few avocets from turret hide, then round to island lake in the hope of some little ringed plovers, my attention was distracted by a singing sedge warbler and I tried without succes for about an hour to get a shot, on the way back I noticed a small wader being chased by a redshank on one of the islands.
When I managed to get a bit closer I realised it was a wood sandpiper, no doubt the one reported earlier in the day.
It was feeding along the waters edge and gradually getting closer, I managed a few shots in the nice evening light, but just as I hoped it would come even closer it took flight and was lost to view.
No LRP's but I was happy with the wood sand.