Spring Gem

I have had a summer plumaged curlew sandpiper on my target lsit for a couple of years now.
There is only about 3 weeks of the year when we can see them (in summer plumage) in East Yorkshire and about now is the best time.
I had been to pat haven on Monday night and saw one in half summer gear so I went with the intention of re-finding him.
I got to Pat haven at about 5.30 and the lagoons were still empty (although the tide was flooding fast) I was watching the black tailed godwits feeding in the lagoon when I noticed a small wader that was nearly all red.
Surely this was going to be a knot, I had a quick look with the scope and sure enough it was a curlew sandpiper in all its finery.
It was feeding along the edge of the lagoon as it was flooding all the time.
I reckoned if Istayed still it would move closer with the incoming tide.
the plan worked to a certain degree, then something spooked all the waders and it flew out of sight.
There were a few common waders about clinging on to the last of the rocks before being flushed by the tide plus a distant marsh harrier and an obliging yellow wagtail.
i mightbe back again soon if the great reed warbler is re-found.